13th April 2024. Edition One. In this edition: President's Report,
BCCT eNews,
ANZAC Day 2024,
Early Beecroft,
Thank you Deirdree,
The Beecroft Orchestra,
The Beecroft Ball,
M2 Road Noise,
Local JP,
Changes to Parking The Promenade Cheltenham.
Hornsby Council "Have your say",
Julian Leeser newsletter,
Julian Leeser newsletter update,
Hornsby Council News Bulletin,
City of Parramatta News Bulletin,
City of Parramatta's Garbage collection,
Recent Development Applications.
Message from the President Dear fellow residents,
Louise and I were absent in Greece for 3 weeks in March and so I am having to catch up with what happened while I was away.
We had a wonderful time in Athens, Hydra and Crete - especially because
it was the end of winter. Tourist numbers at popular places like the
Acropolis and Knossos were very small and the closure of some tourist
shops and the inability to swim in the cold Mediterranean didn’t cause
me any difficulties at all! While there, we saw the memorial on Crete to
the Australians who fought alongside the Cretans (as well as the
British and New Zealanders) in the battle against the Nazi invaders.
Cousins of each of my parents were involved in that battle. My father’s
cousin, Lieutenant Colonel Kathleen Best, was one of those who led the
evacuation. It was very moving to see the memorial flying our flag and
to also feel the continued warmth that greets visiting Australians.
This is a nice segue into noting that the ANZAC Day commemoration
arranged by Rotary will again be held at the war memorials in the
Railway Reserve at 3.00pm on ANZAC Day. While I am sure that it will, it
will be hard for the day to be even more special than it was last year.
I know of the growing numbers who attend and appreciate it every year.
The day after I arrived home, I attended the Rotary Youth Awards. What
inspiring stories and achievements of our young people. Congratulations
to Daniel and all other members of Rotary for organising an amazing
afternoon and the Golden Kangaroos for playing. But above all, a special
call out for the award winners.
Last Sunday I attended a concert by the Beecroft Orchestra held in the performance hall of Cheltenham Girls High School.
The guest artist was Andrew Blanch – a virtuoso classical guitarist and
one who has a recent CD being advertised by the ABC. Having a Spanish
theme, I even learnt to say “Si, fue fantastico”. I would certainly
recommend that you attend the next concert – with details appearing in a
subsequent E-News, the Civic Trust's Facebook page and the Beecroft
Orchestra's web site.
Despite the rain, work is progressing on the Village Green. The Civic
Trust made a submission in relation to Council's and it is good to
witness their implementation. You might also remember that we conducted a
survey to see if you were in agreement (which you were) with the last
of the funds from Council’s sale of the former Congregational Church
being used on this revitalisation. While a pool of money will no longer
be available, we will continue to advocate for the playgrounds in
Fearnley Park and Lyne Road to be considered for refurbishment.
We are about to present our submission on the M2 noise to our local
State member for Epping as well as to Transport for NSW and Transurban.
This follows our obtaining some interesting information under what used
to be called an "FOI" application
as well as data stemming from the work of a band of residents who
undertook the taking of noise measurements. This will be the start of
our increased campaigning to address the quite horrendous noise. We will
also monitor with particular interest the trial re-surfacing presently
underway by Transurban.
Our AGM is scheduled for 18 April, with details elsewhere in this
E-News. I encourage you to stand for election to the Trust committee.
Our guest speaker is Emeritus Professor Linda Corkery, a senior academic
talking on matters affecting urban planning. The current push for high
rise close to the railway stations, irrespective of heritage or other
quality of life concerns, makes this a particularly apt discussion. We
will also have local (Shire and State) politicians attending, speaking
and answering questions. Please attend for what will be an interesting
evening. Look out for the leaflet about the AGM that should appear in
your letter box shortly – hopefully once the rain has passed! Old ways
of communicating can still work!!
Into the future there will be the Beecroft Ball – details appearing
elsewhere in this E-News. Moneys raised at that Ball will be used to
support our local community.
Finally, the Beecroft Cheltenham History Group will be meeting with
representatives from the National Trust and Mount St Benedict College to
examine what remains of the Great North Road in Blackwood Reserve. This
is one of the few remains extant in suburban Sydney even though it was
once an engineering marvel linking Sydney with trade in the Hunter.
Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust 59th Annual General Meeting
THURSDAY 18th April 2024
7.15pm for 7.30pm start Beecroft Presbyterian Church Hall
Welham Street Beecroft.
Our guest presenter is Emeritus Professor Linda Corkery on the topic:
‘People and Nature Thriving Together: Sustaining urban landscapes for
future resilience’.
Also addressing the meeting and answering questions
Hon. Philip Ruddock OA Mayor of Hornsby on local government and the
State Government’s proposed high density housing around stations and
shopping centres.
The Hon. Dominic Perrottet MP for Epping on the housing crisis and M2 traffic noise
You can join the Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust by completing the
membership form on the website and by subscribing $20 per year. Banking
details are CBA BSB 062113 Account 10068238.
Alternatively, you can join/renew at the AGM, but only by cash. Financial institutions are phasing out cheques.
Join the Trust Committee!
you are passionate about our local community, then please seriously
consider joining the Trust committee. It is vital to the health of the
Trust that we continue to have new committee members with fresh ideas.
We particularly need members who live in the Parramatta LGA. Nomination forms are available at www.bcct2119.com.au. Or just turn up on the night and get involved.
Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust eNews The
Trust publishes this monthly eNews newsletter. If you would like
to receive this newsletter on a regular basis, please CLICK HERE to subscribe to the eNews.
ANZAC Day Service. The
Rotary Club of Beecroft in association with the past members of the
Lions Club of Beecroft are once again holding an ANZAC Day Service on
Thursday 25 April, 2024 at 3 pm at the Cenotaph, Wongala Crescent
2023 ANZAC Day Service
Beecroft in the 50s and 60s The
trust has been granted permission to publish a collection of
photographs from the 50s and 60s. We will be publishing all of
these in our eNews over the coming months. Here are more.
The photographer was the late Ted Richards, a former Beecroft resident
and founder of the Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust. Ted also
served as the Trust's President for many years. Newcastle Flyer from 73 Wongala St.
Beecroft Station late 1960s
Thank you to Deirdree Wallwork. Deirdree and Clarissa Luxford administer
and manage the Civic Trust's Facebook page and Deirdree is also a
proofreader and sub-editor of the Trust's eNews.
Deirdree's family moved to Beecroft 40 years ago. She had always loved
it as a child passing through from Willoughby to Empire Bay in the
school holidays.
She loves the history and variety of Beecroft and Cheltenham and now
that she is retired, she is constantly thinking of new ways to draw
people’s attention to our suburbs.
Deirdree is a member of the Civic Trust, but not a committee member.
She is grateful to the people on the committee like Ross Walker and
Brian Shirley who listen to her ideas and often help her to bring them
to fruition.
Deirdree is always very interested in the community’s thoughts and has
decided to conduct a series of interviews with people who intrigue her.
So far, her interviews with Emma Heyde, Shipra Tewani, Michael O’Rourke
and this week, Bonnie Brownie have featured on the beecroft and
Cheltenham's Civic Trust's Web-site Deirdree's interviews can be read on the following links:
Bonnie Brownie, CLICK HERE.
Michael O’Rourke, CLICK HERE,
Shipra Tewani, CLICK HERE
Emma Heyde, CLICK HERE
Beecroft Orchestra’s next concert for 2024 will be themed "Back to the Movies"
The concert will be held in the Cheltenham Girls High School new Performance Hall on June 30th.
We will bring you further details closer to the event.
Visit the Beecroft Orchestra Website for more information at thebeecroftorchestra.net.au.
Tickets are available on the website or at the door.
The Beecroft Ball
The Beecroft Ball will be held at The Verandah on the 11th of May. CLICK HERE for further details
The Civic Trust's ongoing pursuit to mitigate M2 road noise Glynn
Rogers a long standing Civic Trust committee member and a former
engineer with the CSIRO, (now retired), has researched and written an
extensive Engineering Perspective on the M2 Noise Problem.
His paper will soon be submitted to local and state government authorities.
Glynn's document can be viewed CLICK HERE.
Prior to submission, Glynn and the Trust welcome feedback on what has been written.
Local Justice of the Peace Timothy
Abrams, a Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust committee member, has
generously offered his services as a Justice of the Peace for any
residents requiring this service.
Tim can be contacted on Mob 0417 662 405
Dr. Penelope Crossley has also generously offered her services.
Penelope is a practising solicitor and is happy to witness documents pro
bono for 2119 residents. Penelope can be contacted on 0449 232 474.
Have your say on Council's 2024-2027 Delivery Program and Operational Plan CLICK HERE to view the plans.
The April STEP activities can be viewed CLICK HERE.
Julian Leeser MP. April Newsletter The Trust's policy is that we will publish submitted newsletters from any of our elected representatives. CLICK HERE
Hornsby Shire Council's April News Bulletin Can be viewed CLICK HERE
City of Parramatta's April News Bulletin Can be viewed CLICK HERE
FOGO waste collection to begin in Parramatta Council FOGO
(Food Organics and Garden Organics) is a new way to recycle your food
scraps and garden waste and reduce landfill at the same time! The FOGO
waste collection service is coming in November to people living in
houses, duplexes, townhouses, and unit buildings with fewer than 30
dwellings. CLICK HEREfor more information.
Recent Development Applications The
Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust's Web Site now has links to recently
submitted Development Applications in the 2119 postcode area for both
Hornsby and Parramatta Shire Councils. This page will be updated
with every eNews publication. CLICK HERE To access them.
Other objections and correspondence with council can be viewed CLICK HERE
Keep our two suburbs strong and informed by being a member!
To support or join the Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust, please visit our website. CLICK HERE.The
eNews has become our main method for disseminating information to the
community. We already send the eNews to many of our residents. We
encourage residents who receive the eNews to tell their neighbours and
friends and suggest they too subscribe. The eNews letter is
available to all who subscribe. Trust Membership is not a
The eNews archives are available HERE. To subscribe to the eNews: CLICK HERE.
There is an active Civic Trust Facebook group; to view the Facebook CLICK HERE.
The Trust will assist any resident regardless of their membership status.